The Heart of the Law: Week One

1. Read Matthew 5:21-26. Have you ever equated anger with murder? Why does Jesus say that it is the same?  


2.What kind of anger is Jesus talking about here? See point I-B in your outline for help. How does a person who is controlled by anger behave? See Matthew 5:22 for help. 


3. Read Exodus 21:12. What is the penalty for murder in the law? Read Matthew 5:22. What is the penalty of unresolved anger? Are there any areas of anger in your life that God is dealing with right now? Evidence that we are Christians is that we are working through it, not living in it.   

4. Matt said God cares as much about the root as He does the fruit. What did he mean? What can this root of anger become in our lives? How should we handle our anger once we have identified it? See point II in your outline.  

5. How are we helping our brother or sister with their anger by applying Matthew 5:23? Is there someone on your heart who you know is angry with you that you need to do this with?  


6. What encouraged or challenged you the most from this week’s message?  


Memory verse 

 1 John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.”  

 Next Week’s Text 

 Matthew 5:27-30 



The Heart of the Law: Week Two


The Blessed Life Pt 4