The Blessed Life Pt 4

  1. Read Matthew 5:13-16. What did Matt say was significant about the salt? What does it mean for Christians to remain salty? 

  2. What are the three ways we can lose our saltiness? Of the three ways we can lose our saltiness which do you struggle with the most and why?  

  3. Why does Jesus compare us to lights? How do lights affect their environment? What does this look like in the Christian life? Read 1 Jn. 1:5-7 and also use point II. In your outline to help answer.

  4. What does it mean to be a city on a Hill cannot be hidden?  

  5. Read Ephesians 3:16-19, Psalm 42:7-8, 5:7, Matt said that the love we receive from God is what we have available to give to others. What are you doing to practically receive God’s love?  


The Heart of the Law: Week One


The Blessed Life Pt 3