
1. Where or from whom did you learn the most about your faith?

2. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What are the three commands given in this passage? Why does it seem that baptism and teaching are often overlooked or ignored? Have you been baptized? If this is a command, why not?

3. What are the two main goals of discipleship that Matt and Don laid out in the sermon?

4. (Leaders please report your answers from the following two questions to Don to help us identify some areas to focus our discipleship on.) Don@newhopetogether.com

5. Which of the Spiritual disciplines for staying connected to Christ do you wish you had more training in? Why and how would that help you?

6. Is there an area in standing firm in your faith that you would like more training in? Why and how would that help you?

7. Discipleship is for everyone who is a follower of Christ. Who are you discipling and how is that going? (It could be a friend, family member, or ministry you are involved in.)


Love in action


Rediscovering Joy