

1.     Are you someone who gets excited about evangelism or is it something that you find difficult?


2.     Who told you about Jesus? Thinking back, what can you learn about sharing the Gospel from that experience?


3.     What are the two types of evangelism Matt talked about this week?


-       See John 1:43-50


-       See Acts 8:26-40


4.     How does Paul compel us to evangelize in Romans 10:14-15? Who comes to your mind when you think about telling someone about Christ?  


5.     According to Acts 1:8 where does the power to evangelize come from?  How can we tangibly rely on the Holy Spirit in evangelism? See Acts 4:24,                   2 Thessalonians 3:1-5. (Hint prayer)


The challenge- Begin to daily pray for the two people in your life. One to tell about Christ and one to invite to church. Commit to praying for them each day and then follow through when God provides an opportunity


Rediscovering Joy


Obscure Hero